
Hygienic reprocessing of laundry outside the healthcare sector
Hygienic laundry care
The hygienic cleaning and care of textiles is not only of paramount importance in the healthcare sector. Wherever, for example, bed linen and towels are issued to different users each day, hygienic harmlessness is a quality feature and reduces the risk of contracting diseases from viruses and bacteria.

Machine reprocessing: an investment that pays off
Manual cleaning versus machine reprocessing
A laboratory glasswasher makes reprocessing in a laboratory much safer, less prone to mistakes and hence more reliable. In all, this makes work in labs far simpler.

When crockery discolours
Do you know this too? Stubborn discolourations that are still visible even at the end of a wash cycle. Here you can find out all you need to know about discolouration of your dishes.